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Easy Ideas to Make December Less Stressful

We made it through Thanksgiving break and Cyber Weekend and now we are full into the holiday season. It feels hard to imagine that we are already into December and I don't know about you, but it feels like there are a million things on my to-do list. 

The tips below are a bit random and do not really follow a theme. Also, they are not related to my business at all, however one of my overall goals when we created our business was to simply make things a bit easier for parents with babies and kids. The older I get, the more I appreciate some of the little things that make things simpler, especially this time of year. Perhaps you know some of these things already, but I’ve learned them all in the last year and so I thought I would share my new wisdom to help you get through this busy time of year too. 

Inexpensive Gift Idea for Loved Ones 

Need a fun and memorable idea for the grandparents or other loved ones? Simply find a few cute photos of your baby or kids and upload them onto one of the major photo sites (I use Shutterfly, but I'm sure they all do this) and make them into a notepad or a set of Post-It notes.

I just figured this one out last year, but wish I would have sooner. Everyone uses notepads for to-do lists or grocery lists and making these are a lot easier and quicker than making a photo book or calendar. I like gifts that are useful and practical and will get used. I’m pretty sure everyone uses notepads and post-it notes and it is a fun and easy way to have cute photos of the grandkids on the kitchen counter. You could also take a photo of some of your kid's artwork and use it the same way.

Quick and Easy Recipe - Apple Quesadillas

I don’t know about you but this time of year I need quick and easy meals that don’t break the bank and are easy to make AND liked by everyone in the house. It’s a tall order, but these easy Apple Quesadillas have worked wonders in our house.

This is a quick and easy upgrade for the everyday quesadillas and the apples make it feel a little more “fancy” and like a real meal, not just "kid food". Simply cut an apple into very thin slices and add it to your quesadilla when you put it into the skillet. The apples add a nice crunch without being overpowering and go well with any cheese you choose. You can also add ham slices or another protein of your choice to make it a bit more filling.

Spread Kindness to Busy Delivery Workers

This is an easy and fun way to get your kids involved in giving for people who work extra hard this time of year. Make a snack and drink box to thank your postal workers and delivery drivers for their hard work. 

Find a bin or basket and buy some snacks and drinks and fill the basket with a variety of choices. If your kids are big enough, have them write a note of thanks. “Thanks for your hard work. Please feel free to take a drink and snack.” As my kids have gotten bigger they love this tradition and even remember what snacks our postal worker likes best. Don’t forget to re-fill the basket every few days. I typically leave it out all of the time unless it is forecasted to be extra cold for a few days and then I bring the things in overnight and put them back on the porch in the morning. 

Simplify Grocery Shopping

Maybe I’m the last one to know this, but you can ask Alexa to add things to your grocery list and it will show up in the Alexa app on your phone which has made last minute grocery stops much easier. 

Just say “Alexa, add bread to my grocery list.” Now, I’m not really a huge fan of Alexa listening to everything we say in our house, BUT I would be a liar if I said that she doesn’t make a few things quite a bit easier and this one has been a game changer for our family. She also categorizes the items into the sections in the store, so it makes shopping quicker and more organized. I can't tell you how many times I’ve been at the store without my list because it is on my counter at home, or I’ve added a list in my notes app but my husband has written things down on the paper and things get forgotten. If you and your partner share an account and both have the app then you both have access to the list, so I can ask my husband to stop at the store on the way home and he will have the list on his phone too. There is a difference between “grocery” list and “shopping” list, so just make sure you pick one type of list and stick with it. 

PS - Looking for an easy gifting idea? 

Our two pack of Lay and Play Adventure Mats is a great deal if you plan to give the gift of easy adventure to parents with a new baby. Or get one for yourself and one for a friend.